We encourage volunteers already local to Thessaloniki to join our community and share their time and skills with us. Irida Women’s Center is open from Monday to Friday, 9.30 -17.30, so we are looking for volunteers who are available during these times.

Volunteering could take many forms:

  • Volunteering a special skill or talent to teach and/or workshop at our center
  • Volunteering your time weekly, as a teacher or trainer (1-month minimum)
  • Supporting a special event, excursion, or celebration day
  • We are open to your creative ideas

We aim to respond to all applications as soon as possible but please understand that we do sometimes receive a lot of inquiries and have limited volunteer spaces and administrative capacity.

Please be aware the situation here is very dynamic, and we can’t always foresee changes in our work or our projects in advance.


Call us at:

email us at:



Following info is required

