Οur goal is to strengthen women’s capacity, so they can actively participate in their community, access resources and make informed decisions for their lives.


Our goal is to empower women to gain the skills & confidence they need to pursue opportunities for employment and income generation.


Our goal is to provide children with specialized psychosocial support and early-childhood education.


Irida is a nonprofit organization that empowers economically and socially vulnerable women to become active members of society and fulfill their goals and aspirations. In our women-led community center, women can find the support they need to address challenges, find solutions and achieve positive change. Through casework, protection, legal and psychosocial support, and employability services, women find a space to share and learn, make responsible decisions for their lives and pursue opportunities for personal and professional development.


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  1.   Help women build self-awareness and ownership

We support women to assess and acknowledge their situation and make a plan to overcome their challenges. We enhance their commitment and determination in achieving their goals, working with them hand-in-hand towards building personal resilience and fostering their growth. 

  1. Inform women about their rights and encourage them to take action to claim them

Our legal experts focus on helping women understand Greek law and their legal rights, so they can make informed decisions about their life. We help women follow legal procedures and protocols and represent them at the court. 

  1. Help women access services and resources they are entitled to

We support women with essential orientation and navigation throughout the social, legal and healthcare Greek system and connection with public authorities, doctors and public services, so as to help them access resources, provisions and benefits that they are entitled to.  

  1. Support women to build a career plan and to navigate the Greek job market

We provide advice and counsel to women to help them assess their skills and traits, build a career plan based on their professional experience and their aspirations, understand the job market and pursue employment opportunities that are fulfilling for them.

  1. Encourage and support women to gain new skills that will help them find work 

We provide vocational training opportunities to women that allow them to advance their skills and gain new knowledge, so that they can access employment opportunities in Greece or elsewhere.  

  1. Empower women to build confidence and self-leadership to enter the job market
    We provide soft-skills training to women, to help them build confidence and self-leadership, empower them to take initiative and ownership of their future and guide them to successfully manage professional interactions, so as not only to find work, but to sustain it in the long run.  
  1. Our approach focuses on setting the foundations to cultivate autonomous and independent individuals that will pursue personal and professional opportunities for growth and become active members of society.
  2. We work to reverse the cycle of dependency and cultivate a strong sense of autonomy from the early years of children’s lives. We empower them by helping them obtain a sense of ownership and control, starting from their learning and playing and interaction with peers. This, in turn, contributes to developing a sense of responsibility and self-motivation.
  3. We work to cultivate autonomy and independence leading to greater interest in involvement and participation, less pressure and tension, more creativity, cognitive flexibility, better conceptual learning, a more positive emotional tone, higher self-esteem and trust, and greater persistence of behavior.